Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mac Loose Mineralized Foundation

This was a foundation that I was talked into buying  because it came shade extra light. I was so excited to finally have found a foundation similar to their MSF natural, only in a lighter shade. However,  this product is definitely nothing like the mineralized skinfinish natural. With this "foundation" I feel like I don't get any coverage what so ever, and it doesn't seem to be any lighter than the Light shade of my MSF natural. . .  If anything, I think that this should be used as a setting powder, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a foundation. Even as a setting powder though, it doesn't seem to help your foundation stay on any better, and does absolutely nothing to control oil. Its not a bad product in the sense that it doesn't really make you look bad or cakey if you apply it, but it just doesn't seem to do anything at all. This is a product that I definitely won't be repurchasing. . . . I will keep trying to make it work and use it up, so maybe I will find a better use for it (one can only hope!).  The only similarity I can find between this and the MSF natural, is that its mineralized, and  it does have a nice finish and no matter how much you put on (I wouldn't recommend putting like loads of layers on)/ reapply it. 

Cost: 30$
Finish: Natural
Coverage: None
Best Suited For: It seems to work well with any skin type, although I wouldnt recommend it for those with super oily skin just because I don't know if it would really do anything to benefit your skin, although I don't know how this would really benefit anyones skin type. . . It did not dry out my very dry sensitive skin though, so that is one plus. 
Comparable to: Any finishing powder. 
Would You Recommend This Product?: no
Overall Rating: 2/5

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! One more day until we have to go back to work and school! Let me know if you have any suggestions or products that you would like me to review! 
XO Kaitlyn 

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